【大学频道】中国科大数学科学学院呈献 | Albert Chau of UBC
题 目:紧KAHLER流形与完备非紧KAHLER上的KAHLER-RICCI流的基本理论与技巧 (Lecture 1-11)报告人:Albert Chau单 位:University of British Columbia时 间:2007-07-11地 点:中国科学技术大学
Introduced in 1982 by Richard Hamilton, the Ricci flow is one of the most important equations in differential geometry. It is ageometric evolution equation providing a powerful analytic tool used to deform a Riemannian metric on a Riemannian manifold.The Ricci flow has found fundamental application in topology, Riemannian geometry and complex/Kahler geometry. In this talkI will discuss the Kahler–Ricci flow on complete non-compact Kahler manifolds. I will then discuss the application of the Kahler–Ricci flow to the uniformization of complete non-compact Kahler manifolds and to Yau’s uniformization conjecture. Yau’s conjecture states: a complete non-compact Kahler manifold with positive holomorphic bisectional curvature is biholomorphicto complex Euclidean space.
Albert Chau is a professor at University of British Columbia. He got his Master of Mathematics Science and Doctor of Mathematics, Philosophy. His research instersts includ: differential geometry and partial differential equations.
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